Interview With Authors Of 'The Complete History Of The Return Of The Living Dead'

When it first hit movie screens and video shelves back in the mid-eighties, The Return of the Living Dead was a big hit with horror fans. Its grungy aesthetic, spunky sensibility, outlandish gore and macabre splatstick humour perfectly balanced with requisite chills, set it apart from its contemporaries. The success of the first film ensured numerous sequels followed; the most recent of which, The Return of the Living Dead: Rave from the Grave, was produced in 2005 and was the fifth film in the series. Garnering a cult following throughout the years, the series, originally created by John Russo (co-writer of Night of the Living Dead ) and Alien scribe Dan O’Bannon, is still immensely popular amongst horror fans. A forthcoming book titled ‘The Complete History of The Return of the Living Dead’, by Christian Sellers and Gary Smart , delves into the history, production and legacy of the series; shedding light on each of the films in turn and providing an exhaustive s...