Happy Bloody Birthday, Behind the Couch

Behind the Couch turned 6 years old yesterday. Over the course of the last year I have revisited Elm Street for its 30th Anniversary, fiddled with the Lament Configuration box during a Hellraiser marathon, had my work nominated for a Rondo Hatton Award , seen Claudio Simonetti perform a live film score for the second time, waxed lyrical about Vincent Price , written my 666th blog post , visited old cemeteries - at home and in London - and written reviews of old favourites , new favourites , French favourites , stuff I've found genuinely terrifying , and some classics I've never had the guts to write about before. I also caught up with my writer friends Christine Makepeace and Jon (Shocks to the System) Towlson to chat about their new books; a creepy Gothic novel and a study of politically subversive horror cinema, respectively. Away from blogging I have continued to contribute to publications such as Exquisite Terror and Diabolique – my essay on the represent...