Black Roses (1988)
Directed by John Fasano and written by Cindy Cirile (credited as Cindy Sorrell), Black Roses tells of the eponymous metal band, fronted by the darkly charismatic Damian (Sal Viviano), who begin their world tour with several special concerts in the small town of Mill Basin. Naturally the local teens are psyched to see their favourite metallers, but their parents and the town authorities are concerned because of the band’s reputation as heavy metal hell-raisers. Turns out these parental fears are not unwarranted, as the band are actually demons whose music corrupts listeners and transforms them into minions of chaos and evil. As the town’s youth run wild and succumb to the band’s diabolical influence, it’s up to an open-minded, down-with-the-kids high-school teacher to crash the concerts and try to save the day. Stage-diving onto screens hot on the heels of Hard Rock Zombies (1984), Trick or Treat (1986) and director Fasano’s own feature debut Ro...