Diabolique Issue 16

Issue 16 of Diabolique is now available to pre-order. In this issue we celebrate what would have been Peter Cushing’s one hundredth birthday, and inside you’ll find an overview of Mr Cushing's career, memoirs of people who knew him and highlights of some of his finest moments in genre cinema. Cushing appeared in dozens of classic horror films and is known for no less than three major character roles: Van Helsing, Dr. Frankenstein, and Sherlock Holmes.

Widely acknowledged as a kind and humble soul, Cushing’s personality seems at odds with the lurid horror titles that dominated his career. It’s fitting then that he gained the reputation as ‘the gentleman of horror.’

This issue also includes:

The Dying Game – a look at Neil Jordan’s new Gothic vampire film, Byzantium.

On The Cutting Edge: Visions Quest – in which Nigel Wingrove talks to Max Weinstein about his 23-year crusade against censorship.

Victor Frankenstein – Creator And Monster - Bruce G. Hallenbeck’s examination of the evolution of Dr. Victor Frankenstein: from Mary Shelley’s “pale student of unhallowed arts” to Hammer’s depraved mad scientist.

Hammering Vitality Into Dracula – in which Colin McCracken talks to Marcus Hearn and Jonathan Rigby about the significance and lasting influence of Hammer’s Dracula (1958) and how Peter Cushing revolutionized the role of the vampire hunter.

It also contains my review of Peter Cushing – The Complete Memoirs, a new book which combines Mr Cushing’s memoirs.

Head here to pre-order your copy…

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