National Poetry Day

Today is National Poetry Day and throughout the UK there’ll be all kinds of poetical shenanigans afoot; readings, performances, launches and such. Inspired by the famed exclamation of Coleridge's mariner - ‘Water, water everywhere’ - the theme of this year’s NPD is, you guessed it, ‘water.’ 

I thought I'd get into the spirit of the day and post some of my favourite poems here. However, as this is a horror blog, and as we’ve just entered the month of October, I thought it infinitely more fitting to post poems of a somewhat macabre nature: lost souls, haunted houses, devious goblins, that sort of thing.

So let us go then, you and I, and turn no more your head, because you know that a frightful fiend doth close behind us tread… 

Ghost House by Robert Frost (1913) 
All Soul's Night by Hortense King Flexner (1917) 
Antigonish by Hughes Mearns (1899) 
Goblin Market (excerpt) by Christina Rossetti (1862) 

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