Diabolique #20

Issue 20 of Diabolique is now available to order. The overriding theme of this issue is Family...

The Family. What is it? How does it shape us? Strengthen us in the face of horror? Scar us? Destroy us? The mysteries and dysfunction of the family unit have been ripe for examination in countless contemporary and classic horror releases.

Diabolique 20 takes a look underneath the surface of the family, featuring exclusive interviews with acclaimed filmmakers Adrian Garcia Bogliano (Here Comes the Devil), Mike Flanagan (Absentia, Oculus), Jim Mickle (We Are What We Are), and Navot Papushado (Big Bad Wolves), as well as my own ‘meaty’ exploration of familial themes in the films of Tobe Hooper.

All this and more rounds out this fresh look at a crucial trope of horror culture. Diabolique 20: it’s a family reunion, and you’re invited…

Pick up a copy here.

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