A Decade of Blogging, Horror & Wine

Behind the Couch turns ten years old today. Ten years old! I can’t believe it. That's a whole decade of watching and writing about horror films. Usually while guzzling wine.

I started blogging after I’d submitted the first draft of my first book (a guide to the films of Dario Argento) to the publisher, and I wanted to keep busy while I awaited editorial feedback. I was unemployed at the time, and while I felt a little directionless, I was keen to continue to build up a body of written work. A couple of friends suggested setting up a blog. I had a little stash of horror film reviews I’d already written for a website I was dying to contribute to, but as they never used them, I decided to make them a home of their very own. Before long, blogging became a huge part of my daily routine, and I soon found myself part of a little community of horror bloggers, some of whom I am still friends with today.

But enough about me. This blog is a decade old. While it has been fairly quiet over the past year or two (I’m currently studying for a Master’s degree) I still post when I can and hope to get back to blogging on a regular basis before too long.

Amongst the hundreds of horror film reviews and book reviews, you’ll also find interviews with filmmakers, writers, musicians and artists (including Dario Argento himself!), sozzled and mainly incoherent appreciations of wine (which has sustained most of my writing over the last ten years), photography of cemeteries and graveyards I have haunted, and links to other places online where my writing lives, especially my contributions to Exquisite Terror, Diabolique and Paracinema.

To everyone who has stopped by over the last ten years, THANK YOU. Here’s to the next ten years, and all the horror films, wine and split infinitives they may bring. x

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