Book Update

If you go down to the woods today, be sure to pick up a copy of my new book on Neil Jordan's Gothic fantasy The Company of Wolves. The book is part of Auteur’s Devil’s Advocates series, and can be bought from any of these fine places:

Columbia University Press:

A recent review (courtesy of author and critic Jon Towlson over at Starburst) said it was 'A meticulously researched, beautifully written and fascinating book...'

Book includes chapters on the ‘making of’ the film, the evolution of folk and fairy tales in our culture, an examination of the tale of Red Riding Hood, the figure of the werewolf in folklore, literature and cinema, the powerful feminist message of the film (and the short stories by Angela Carter upon which it is based), and the representation of female monsters and werewolves in literature and cinema.

Stay tuned for news of how you can enter a competition to win a copy of the book (courtesy of the lovely people over at later this week.

I have been receiving nice messages, photos (see below) and tweets from people who have already picked up a copy of the book – to those people I extend my humble thanks and gratitude and hope you enjoy reading it.

As previously mentioned, I recently had the opportunity to investigate the tacit relationship between The Company of Wolves and filmic Folk Horror (with reference to Adam Scovell’s folk horror chain) in an essay that will appear in the new issue of Diabolique magazine. This issue is dedicated to witchcraft, magick and folk and fairy tales and can be purchased here.

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