Classic Horror Campaign Presents: A Horror Double Bill!

The lovely folks behind the Classic Horror Campaign have just announced the launch of a series of horror double bills! The first event takes place at 3pm on April 22nd, at the Roxy Bar & Screen in London. In the old tradition of the BBC Horror Double Bills, there will be a screening of Night of the Demon (1957) followed by Hammer’s classic Vampire Circus (1972). 

As well as the movie screenings there will be some horror DVD giveaways and the opportunity of appearing on the Classic Horror Campaign website when they post coverage of the event. Tickets are £5 and are available on the door. Seating is limited, so it’s recommended that you get there early.

More details of The Horror Double Bill event can be found on the Classic Horror Campaign Facebook page - check it out regularly for updates. And why not support the campaign to bring back the old classic horror double bills to BBC scheduling, and sign their petition...

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