The Horseman

Dir. Steven Kastrissios

Grieving father Christian (Peter Marshall) tracks down the men responsible for his daughter’s death and discovers more about her than he ever knew. Along the way he picks up teenage hitchhiker Alice (Caroline Marohasy) who is completely unaware of the brutal and bloody revenge he is extracting. Or is she?

The latest in a line of powerful and extreme Australian genre pictures such as Storm Warning, Long Weekend, Wolf Creek and Lake Mungo, The Horseman exudes a stark realism in its depiction of a grieving father turned brutal vigilante. What adds to the effectiveness of the film is that director Steven Kastrissios maintains effective restraint throughout proceedings as he ratchets up the tension to unbearable levels, before letting rip in a barbaric, bloody and highly intense climax.

Head over to Eye for Film to read my full review.

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