Halloween Horrors in Belfast

Following on from its well received premiere at the 3rd Yellow Fever Independent Film Festival in Belfast last month, and its award winning stint at this year’s Freak Show Film Festival in Orlando – where lead actor Robert Render picked up the award for Best Actor – George Clarke’s creepy spookfest The Last Light is set to chill the spines of audiences at Belfast’s Strand Cinema on Saturday 29th October…

The Last Light is the dark tale of a maintenance man called on to ensure an old derelict house – formerly a psychiatric hospital, no less - is securely boarded up after a reported break-in. On what is supposed to be his last day on the job, he experiences increasingly chilling occurrences. Initially believing that wayward kids are playing a prank on him, it soon becomes evident that something much more sinister is afoot…

The Last Light is a moody, atmospheric and old fashioned haunted house yarn – perfect viewing on All Hallow’s Eve… Read more about the film here.
Tickets are £10 and this includes wine and nibbly things, a red carpet walk and a screening of the film followed by a cast and crew Q&A. 

Tickets can be purchased here, or at the box office at The Strand.

Also screening in Belfast in the run up to Halloween is the second annual Halloween Horrorthon at the Waterfront Hall's Movie Bar on Friday 28th. Kicking off at 8.30pm, the marathon this year consists of a trek through some of the most imaginative, 'colourful', blood-spattered and low budget terror flicks of the 80s...
Frank Hennenlotter's deranged and oddly touching Basket Case, Don Coscarelli's creepy, trippy nightmare flick Phantasm, Stuart Gordon's darkly funny, exceedingly splashy take on Lovecraft's Herbert West misadventure Re-Animator, and the one and only The Evil Dead, which really needs no introduction

There are a limited amount of tickets remaining for the Horrorthon and these can be booked here. Alternatively, if you're based in or around Belfast, head over to Movie Bar organiser John Baxter's fine blog Knifed In Venice for the chance to win a couple of tickets for the horrorthon. Happy Halloween!

There are also a host of horror screenings at the Queen's Film Theatre. Apparitions: The Spectral Screen includes The Shining, The Blair Witch Project, The Innocents and Ringu, to name but a few.

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