Paracinema Issue 8

Issue 8 of Paracinema is now available. It's hard to believe the magazine is now on it's eighth issue! It's not so hard to believe that it's still as great a publication as it's ever been and just as lovingly put together, designed and compiled by a dedicated and passionate hard-core of individuals. Amongst the staggering array of pieces included in the pages of issue 8 are the following: War May Be Hell, But a Sequel Is Purgatory: Thematic Combat With Battle Royale II: Requiem by Emily Intravia, Love, Loss, and Astounding Growth in The Incredible Shrinking Man and Attack of the Fifty-Foot Woman by Jessie Robie and The Serial Killer’s Mind: Comparing and Contrasting the Male Psyches in Henry Portrait of a Serial Killer by Brantley Palmer. If that isn't enough to whet your appetite, click here to check out more... Support our independent film magazines and help publications like Paracinema to continue producing quality material that you'd be hard...