Paracinema: Issue 7...

The latest issue of Paracinema is set to hit shelves soon.

Issue 7 includes such features as 'Deconstructive Feedback: The Cinema of Larry Cohen' by Adam Protextor, 'The Bikinis, Hairspray, and Shattered Ceilings of Bimbo Feminism: Anita Rosenberg’s Modern Girls and Assault of the Killer Bimbos' by Jonathan Plombon and (shameless self-promotion alert) 'Cold Cinema: Emotional Glaciation and Active Spectatorship in Michael Haneke’s Funny Games' by me.

Why not head over to Paracinema and order a copy now. Before its too late!


Matt-suzaka said…
Of course I'm excited for the newest issue of Paracinema, but I really look forward to what you wrote about Funny Games.
Anonymous said…
The Funny Games article is soooooooooooooooooooooooo good
James Gracey said…
*blush* You're tooooo kind.
Mykal Banta said…
James: Consider it ordered. I am looking forward to your article - If it is as good as your blog work, I'll be in reading Heaven. Congratulations!

The mag really seems very cool! -- Mykal
James Gracey said…
Hope you enjoy it Mykal - its a great magazine with some really nice touches. Maybe you could submit something to it yourself? They're always on the look out for new writers and left-of-centre insight into the world of cult movies - which you could provide rather effortlessly.

Hope you are well. :)

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