Candid Karloff

Some photographs of Boris Karloff behind the scenes and between takes. Check out more Karloff related goodness at Frankensteinia: The Frankenstein Blog.

Having a break whilst filming Frankenstein
Enjoying a joke with friend and producer Val Lewton during filming of Bedlam
Having a quick cuppa and a smoke with Colin Clive
Clowning around with Bela Lugosi Jnr
Sharing cake with Basil Rathbone
On the set of The Tower of London
Boris with Basil Rathbone and Donnie Dunagan on Son of Frankenstein
Relaxing between takes
More behind the scenes shenanigans
In the make-up chair
Yet more tea with Colin Clive

Brought to you in association with The Boris Karloff blogathon.


Anonymous said…
Great pics and awesome job on your extensive Karloff write-ups, James. I'm surprised you could put the wine bottle down long enough to actually do all of this blogging! Just kidding! :)
James Gracey said…
Thanks Aaron! In the words of the Monster - as portrayed by Boris Karloff in some movie or other: 'Wine, gooooooood.'
Hope all is well with you buddy - thanks for stopping by. I hope some of this sozzled ranting proved entertaining/interesting to you. ;)

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