Paranormal Entity

Paranormal Entity tells of a family who are increasingly disturbed by a presence that may or may not be demonic, but is certainly most active in the middle of the night.

They decide to videotape the ‘activity’ on a series of strategically placed cameras throughout the house. And on handheld cameras when events need to be conveyed with a sense of immediacy or urgency.

It is impossible not to make reference to Paranormal Activity while talking about Paranormal Entity. It's essentially the same story but told in a very different way. Whereas Activity drew its audience in with slow-burning chills and intrigue, Entity switches tension for tedium, and slow-burning terror for jump shocks, and becomes repetitious and predictable too early on.

In the grand tradition of Transmorphers, I Am Ωmega and The Day The Earth Stopped, Paranormal Entity is the latest mock-buster from The Asylum, a production company famed for producing cheap and cheerful titles that basically capitalise on successful productions by other studios.

Head over to Eye for Film to read my full review…


Matt-suzaka said…
I've heard it's better than expected and you always know what you're getting into with Asylum films. Still, good or bad, well, bad or bad, I still have a soft spot in my heart for them. So, I'll still check this one out, but I'm glad you took a little bit of the oddly developed hype I have picked up from other reviews.
Simon said…
I thought you were talking about a European release of Paranormal Activity for a minute...

Have you reviewed Suspiria, by any chance?
James Gracey said…
Jeez, Dolewhite, you sure look a lot like my amigo Matt from off of Chuck Norris Ate My Baby. And in hindsight, I reckon my review of Paranormal Entity was a little harsh - like being overly critical of a kid with learning difficulties. Or something. You kinda know what to expect from The Asylum, and I too have a soft spot for those movies! I always seem to root for the underdog. ;o)

Simon I have indeed reviewed Suspiria... it be here...
Theres no mistaking that The Asylum left their tainted mark on the film, but if anything I thought this one discredited PARANORMAL ACTIVITY, since they were able to basically recreate many of the same scares with much less talent lol..

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