Rejected by the Devil - An Interview with Bill Moseley

Bill Moseley is no stranger to portraying psychotic ‘hellbilly’ types, having breathed life into several of the most memorable and downright nasty horror movie characters in recent memory - including the deranged Chop-Top from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 and the mercilessly sadistic Otis Driftwood from Rob Zombie’s The Devil’s Rejects and House Of 1000 Corpses.

With the release of Tim Sullivan’s 2001 Maniacs: Field Of Screams, Moseley looks set to add yet another barnstorming oddball to his menagerie of freaks.

Head over to Eye for Film to check out my interview with him, in which we discuss his career to date, his love for horror movies and how he approaches the dark and disturbing characters he portrays.


WriterME said…
Time for fangirl squeals on my part; I love Bill Moseley, first and foremost in his work with Rob Zombie.

Great job getting the interview; what's he like? :)

- Madelon
James Gracey said…
Hey Madelon,
He was lovely! Very friendly and as big a horror nut as I am.

Great work on your feature in the latest issue of Paracinema! Wonderful stuff. :o)
WriterME said…
Ah, cool, glad to hear you liked it! :)
Making the jump as we speak James!

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