My Son My Son What Have Ye Done?

Opening with the words ‘David Lynch presents a film by Werner Herzog’; words that automatically instilled fluttering in this particular writer’s heart, My Son My Son What Have Ye Done? is a film that instantly suggests boundless possibilities, high expectations and the promise of something memorable, provocative and left of centre. The question is, does it live up to the promise? Of course it does. However, in true Lynch/Herzog fashion, it does so in unexpected ways that manage to surprise and delight.

Head over to Eye for Film to check out my full review...


Aaron said…
Glad you dug the movie, James! I'm curious to hear what someone who's neither a fan of Lynch or Herzog would think about it though. Personally I do prefer BAD LIEUTENANT, but for Herzog to put out both of them in the same year is pretty amazing. If only Lynch was that prolific! MY SON has a lot of unanswered questions, but that's also why I like it as much as I do. Shannon was great and I hope he works with Herzog more in the future.
Ed Howard said…
Nice review. It's quite a coincidence that we both decided to post reviews of this film on the same day! It's such a weird and unsettling movie, creating a very unusual mood. Lynch didn't really contribute creatively, but it seems like Herzog absorbed some of his producer's aesthetic and sensibility anyway. Agreed about this film as a companion piece to Bad Lieutenant, as well. They're both great examples of Herzog approaching genre films and warping the crime/thriller genre to his own ideas.
James Gracey said…
Aaron, if only Lynch was that prolific indeed! I prefered this to Bad Lieutenant - which I also dug way more than I thought I would have.

Thanks, Ed - great minds, eh? I know Lynch had the sense to step back and let Herzog get on with it, but I found it so hard not to see the producer's hand and own sensibilities seeping through in this one. Not to descredit Herzog, but so much of My Son could be described as 'Lynchian.'

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