Total Film totally recommends Behind the Couch

According to this week’s Total Film newsletter, Behind the Couch is a ‘cool film blog to visit.’ Thanks to Matt Suzaka over at Chuck Norris Ate My Baby for the heads up and the linkage. That Total Film even stumbled across my blog, let alone recommended people to visit it, makes me so, so happy. It's one of my favourite film magazines. I could just dance like Crispin Glover in Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter. Check it out...


Monster Scholar said…
Do the nerd dance! Congrats a bunch!
Anonymous said…
That's awesome and well deserved!
Jenn said…
Go, James, go!
dylan said…
Totally deserved! Congrats!
James Gracey said…
Cheers guys! Much appreciated. ;o)

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