Wine of the Month

This month's reviews are brought to you, once again, courtesy of Campo Viejo Rioja Crianza (which means barrel aged, apparently).

Campo Viejo is perhaps the largest producer of Rioja (named after the region where the grapes are grown in Spain) and is based on the outskirts of Logro no. Made up of Tempranillo - Spain's best known red wine grape, this pretty little red is aged in bottles for 6 months after its statutory year spent in barrels, before it is released to retailers and then appreciatively guzzled by the likes of your good self and I.

With a distinct spicy, oaky and really quite smooth palette, this wine is best enjoyed with something sophisticated, preferably an Edgar Allan Poe adaptation starring Vincent Price - the oaky depths also ensure it is best enjoyed while watching any number of Hammer's velvety, resplendently Gothic and alluring vampire flicks. If you must, you can also waft around your abode whilst quaffing this to the strains of Bach's Air On A G-String. But only if you must...


Anonymous said…
I love when you talk wine.
Also, why do I find that red wine tastes buttery? Is it because I am drinking low quality reds?
James Gracey said…
Not at all Christine! The buttery taste is usually associated with some kinds of white wine though, particularly oak-aged whites like Chardonnay. I'm more of a Sauvignon man, myself.
Rioja is my favourite wine though, and this stuff was on sale in my local supermarket recently; I couldn't resist. ;o)
Its high time you did a Real Ale of the month as well James, for all of us non wine drinking film lovers :-)

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