Issue 11 of Paracinema Available to Pre-Order Now!

The latest issue of Paracinema, an independently produced, Rondo Horror Award Nominated magazine, is available to pre-order now. As this is Women in Horror Month, this issue’s contents have solely been provided by women. 

Amongst a plethora of insightful and provocative features you’ll find the likes of Rape-Revenge Films: A Guide for the Faint-Hearted by Chelsea Suarez; The Degrading Last Days of Laura Palmer: A Backwards Glance at Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me by Christine Hadden (of Fascination with Fear); Mental Illness in Horror Films: Lifting the Stigma with Let’s Scare Jessica to Death by Andre Dumas (of The Horror Digest) and Frankenhooker: Titular Commodification of Women by Lisa Cunningham.

Plus much, much more…

It costs $7 to pre-order a copy, and you can do that my visiting the official Paracinema website, here.

And don’t forget to vote for Paracinema at the Rondo Awards!


Thanks for the little shout out ♥
James Gracey said…
My pleasure! I can't wait to check this one out. :oD
Anonymous said…
THANK YOU! A million times. You are an angel xo

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