Paracinema #12 Available to Pre-Order!

Now in its fourth year and going from strength to strength, Paracinema is a New York based, independently produced magazine specialising in the appreciation of films that fall outside of mainstream cinema. Written by fans for fans, each issue features in-depth studies of titles from genres such as horror, exploitation, cult, Asian, giallo and B-movies.

Within the vivid, exquisitely designed pages of issue 12 you’ll find features such as The Man From Australia: Falling Without a Parachute Through the Films of Ozploitation Filmmaker Brian Trenchard-Smith by Justin Bozung; Howling All the Way Straight to Video by Brett Taylor; The Good, The Bad and The Fulci: Tales of Redemption and Revenge from Four of the Apocalypse by Christian Sellers; and Explorers: Exploring Childhood Escapism by Matthew House - of Chuck Norris Ate My Baby infamy - plus much, much more...

*shameless self-promotion alert!*

This issue also includes Sketches of Venice in Red: A Comparative Glance at Who Saw Her Die? And Don’t Look Now by yours truly. But you shouldn’t let that put you off. Skip on over to Paracinema’s online lair and pre-order your copy now.

If you’re on Facebook (and let’s face it, everyone’s on Facebook), you can ‘like’ Paracinema by going here. Oh, and check out an interview with the editor/co-founder of Paracinema, Christine Makepeace, here.

Support independent publishing!


WriterME said…
Preordered! Knowing about your piece on Don't Look Now clinched the deal :)

Am hoping that one of mine will be in the next issue!
James Gracey said…
Madelon! Long time no speak. Hope you're well. I loved your piece on HG Lewis' Wizard of Gore - will look forward to checking out your next article. What's it on, or do I have to wait to find out? :)
WriterME said…
Hi James, I have been reading the blog, but haven't had anything sensible to say for a while (if ever ;)). I did a bit for issue 11, as well, on Takashi Miike, and am hoping to write about my rather inexplicable love for Rob Zombie's House of 1000 Corpses and Devil's Rejects.

Can't wait to read yours; Don't Look Now is one of the great titles in horror cinema. Have only seen it once, but I think I will watch it again when I get home from Ireland. :)
James Gracey said…
Oh, I didn't know you'd written that! Great issue. I also really enjoyed the pieces on George's Romero's female characters and mental health in Let's Scare Jessica to Death.

Don't Look Now is one of my favourite films - I've watched it loads recently. Hope you enjoy the article.

And enjoy your stay in Ireland! Apologies for the miserable weather. :)
James Gracey said…
PS I'm also a big fan of Rob Zombie's films. And his music. He's playing here later in the month, and I'm looking forward to seeing him!
WriterME said…
I blame you! For me not being around for a Rob Zombie gig, and the bad weather. I'm not leaving Dublin until next Tuesday, so you better sort this out ;)
James Gracey said…
I know. Sorry. I'm a terrible person!
WriterME said…
You think you'll be blogging about the Rob Zombie gig? I'd love to hear about it. If not, I'll supply you with an email address? :)
Anonymous said…
YAY! Thanks for such a lovely post! And you should talk up your piece more. It's quite wonderful.
P.S. I want to steal your intro/description of the magazine.
James Gracey said…
Bah! I just got a text from my cousin this morning (who I was going to the gig with), and apparently Mr Zombie has had to cancel some UK dates - including his Belfast one. :(


Christine! You're too kind.
I really can't wait to see this issue.
PS Steal away... ;)
James Gracey said…
PPS Madelon, feel free to send me your email address - you can send it to: the_outsider [at] live [dot] co [dot] uk
dylan said…
Wait, James like Rob Zombie's music???
WriterME said…
Have emailed, but sometimes my messages end up in the spam bin, so give a shout if you didn't get anything :)
James Gracey said…
Dylan, what can I say? I like to flirt with controversy. ;)

Thanks Madelon, will check this evening. :)

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