Issue II of Exquisite Terror

Exquisite Terror is a brand-spanking-new and independently produced periodical; the intention of which is to take a more academic, analytical approach to the genre of horror. Issue 2 is now available to pre-order. Amongst the various delights waiting within its pages are Dalliances with the Dead, by an occultist; Upper-class dining with a difference; by popular demand, the analysis of both classic book and film; and, one of my own articles, an examination of the relationship between fairy tale and horror film.

This issue boasts beautiful illustrations by artist Paul Talbot. Check out more of his work here.

Pre-order yourself a veritable bargain at £2.45 plus £1 P&P within the UK*

Make haste and save a generous 150 pennies from the cover price, to ensue once the mice have delivered.

*For international sales, please contact prior to order


WriterME said…
Do they take submissions, and how does one go about this?

(also, hi James, how are you? :))
James Gracey said…
Hey Madelon! Great to hear from you. I'm not too bad, thanks. How are you?
I'm sure the editor, Naila, would love to hear from you if you're interested in contributing something. You can reach her at the email address above.
All the best! :)
WriterME said…
Hey! Things are alright here; playing a mad game of catching up.

Finally moved into listening to Rob Zombie apart from just watching the films... So, when is he touring again? ;)
James Gracey said…
Awesomes. What stuff are you listening to? You might want to check out some White Zombie, too. Loads of references to old horror flicks.
I've no idea when he's touring again I'm afraid!! My cousin and I were supposed to go see him in Belfast last year, but he cancelled. :(
I can't wait for Lords of Salem. It looks badass, as the kids would say.
systemshocks said…
My copy's ordered!

p.s. Saw your Argento book in The Cinema Store in Covent Garden. A very select venue - kudos! :)
James Gracey said…
Hope you enjoy it! And thanks for the book-spotting update! Hope you're well. :)
systemshocks said…
Enjoyed your article in Exquisite Terror 2, James. Congrats!
James Gracey said…
Thank you so much, Jon! I hope you liked the issue - we're all very proud of it. Hope you're well! :)

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