Talkin' Italian Horror

When I was asked to have a chat about Italian horror films with Fred Macpherson from indie band Spector, I wasn’t going to say no. Any excuse to wax lyrical with a fellow admirer of Italo horror.

An extremely enjoyable and geeky conversation about Argento and Fulci ensued.

Head over to The Quietus to read it.


Wes said…
Good Q&A James, I enjoyed reading it. I really loved your line about Fulci - His work has the stench of the grave about it. If that creeps into one of my posts, I hereby apologize in advance... I'm a big music fan so I love it when bands sneak in film references into their music, like Canadian group Godspeed You Black Emperor! naming themselves after an obscure Japanese documentary about motorcycle gangs, or Scottish band Mogwai opening thier live shows with snatches of the eerie folk music from The Wicker Man. I think my favourite bit of sampling is on Coil's Stolen and Contaminated Songs album which includes dialogue from The Wizard of Gore and The Reflecting Skin, which I must put down to Stephen Thrower's tenure in that band...
Aaron said…
Great interview, James! For some reason, I love hearing about musicians' tastes in films and filmmakers'/actors' tastes in music. It's a way of getting to know the artists in a certain way and developing a better understanding of them. Keep up the great work.
James Gracey said…
Thanks guys. It was a very enjoyable chat! It's funny though because usually when I interview someone from a band it's about their music; so this was an interesting twist. Fred obviously adores Italian horror as much as we do. And I'm with you both all the way on reading about musicians' tastes in film (though judging by some of the unnecessarily harsh comments on that site, not everyone is in agreement. Oh well.). I'm looking forward to checking out Fred's side project, which sounds like it will be heavily influenced by the likes of Goblin and Frizzi.

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