Paracinema 16

Issue 16 of Paracinema Magazine is now available to pre-order. Amongst the myriad articles (written by genres fans for genre fans) lurking breathlessly within its pages just aching to pleasure your glassy orbs are This Ain’t Hollywood XXX: The Cultural Significance of the Porn Parody by Justin LaLiberty; “Images of Horror and Lust” in Ken Russell’s The Devils by Samm Deighan; Rehabilitating Daddy, or How Disaster Movies say it’s OK to Trust Authority by Jon (Shocks to the System: Subversive Horror Films) Towlson; The Films of René Laloux: Notes on the Golden Age of French Science Fiction by Derek Godin; plus much, much more.

There’s also a little something by yours truly entitled Shadowy Suggestion in the Weird West: Val Lewton’s Apache Drums. 

Sound good? Fancy picking up a copy? Of course you do! You’re only human. Head over to and pre-order one now.

Support independent publishing! 


systemshocks said…
A marvellous piece of cross blogging and co-ordinated marketing, James! Looking forward to reading your Val Lewton piece.
James Gracey said…
And I'm looking forward to reading your piece on disaster movies, Jon! So thrilled you've contributed to Paracinema.

Hope you're well. :)
Marie said…
That is awesome! I really need to subscribe to this magazine. Hey earlier this year you commented on my review on the Innkeepers, and you told me about BFI releasing the complete series of the BBC's Ghost Stories on DVD, but I tried the link and it doesn't work anymore :( Do you know where I can find them?? Thanks!!
James Gracey said…
I've tried looking on the BFI website, but that page appears to be down for some reason. I checked a few other blogs and sites that linked to it, but no luck. All I can find when I google it are forums like this one -

Seems a lot of people are as excited as we are for this boxset! I'll let you know as soon as I find out any more onfo. Hope you're well. :)

And yes, Paracinema magazine is well worth picking up/subscribing to!
Marie said…
Thanks, James. You're the best!

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