
Anthology movies can be tricky to pull off properly; by their very nature they can be uneven in tone, the narrative constantly upended when we pull back to the framing story, the differing tones and pacing of the individual segments.

When done well though, we get such classics as Mario Bava’s Black Sabbath, the chilling Ealing classic Dead of Night and George Romero’s lurid pulp-fest Creepshow.

V/H/S/2 improves on the formula established by the original film; by slim-lining the segments, and by actually featuring fewer segments, the impact is undeniable.

Head over to Exquisite Terror to read my full review.

While you're there, why not check out our coverage of the other titles screening at this year's Fright Fest


Derek Ash said…
Did you find it weird at all that the eye-ball cam had sound?
wardenstokely said…
I have got to watch Black Sunday again. It's been far too long......I watched it a couple of years ago after I hit up Chris Alexander over at Fangoria asking if he knew the name of a movie I had seen as a little girl. Hell, James, you might know what it was. I watched it on tv in probably 1968. It was black and white. I remember two things about it. The opening and closing credits, which were done in such a way that the screen was simply black, and along the bottom walked a funeral procession in white characters. There was the hearse with horse (I think the horse had a plume on it's head) and a driver on the top with a hat, and people were marching behind it. They were simply drawn white characters. I saw a movie later that had similar credits, by a movie company that I can't remember hahahaha...boy giving you a lot to go on, huh, but the company was three letters that started with an A. I'd recognize it, if you said it, but I can't seem to remember it right now. Anyway, the other part was in puritan new england. There was a condemned witch, and every one was dressed in pilgrim dress, and they were crushing her on the ground with a big plank, and they were placing rocks, big rocks on top of it. The camera shot was from her view, so from my view, it was just these pilgrims placing rocks on my face. It was great! I swear I loved that film. But I was like seven, and I don't remember the name of it. Chris suggested I try Black Sunday, which had some similarities, such as the setting, but it was not the movie...no rocks! Do you know what it was?
James Gracey said…
@Goodwill Geek: Ha! Now you mention it, that is quite weird. That segment was my least favourite. Also, the screener I watched had no subtitles, so Safe Haven proved even more disturbing - it was kind of like stumbling across a video online that you shouldn't really watch - but you can't help yourself. Gah!

@Stokely: I'm sorry, but I have no clue what that film could be! Some of the imagery does sound familiar - the creepy procession made me think of The Leopard Man, but there are no witches in that - it also made me think of Night of the Seagulls, but again, no witches in that either! Hmmm. Could it be Hammer's The Witches? Not sure if that's black and white though. Let me know if you ever remember what it was! And sorry again I can't help. :(
Play With Death said…
I actually found the first V/H/S to work better, both as an overall anthology and the individual films themselves. A matter of taste, I'm sure.

I enjoy your site. <a href="http://playwithdeath.com>PlayWithDeath.com</a> is always looking for other sites to connect with and I'm glad I stumbled across yours. Keep up the good work!
James Gracey said…
Thanks PWD - just had a wee look around your own fair site - looks great!

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