The Herd

Dir. Melanie Light

The Herd is an unshirkingly brutal, vegan-minded short which serves as a chilling metaphor for the inhumane treatment of cattle at the hands of the dairy industry.

Hundreds of millions of these sentient creatures suffer and die every year as their bodies are treated like machines. Forcefully impregnated so they produce milk, they are pumped full of growth hormones to produce unnaturally large quantities of milk, and antibiotics to combat constant mastitis infections. When they are no longer able to lactate, they are destroyed.

The Herd substitutes women for cattle and subjects them to the same horrendous processes as the average dairy cow as it delves into the everyday horrors of the dairy industry…

Head over to Exquisite Terror to read my full review.


L. Rob Hubbard said…
Sounds reminscent of Piers Anthony's short story, "In The Barn", published in the collection AGAIN,DANGEROUS VISIONS.
James Gracey said…
Thanks so much for the link, L. Rob. I'm not really familiar with Piers Anthony, but I will certainly check out In the Barn.

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