Remembering Sir Christopher Lee

Rest in Peace, Sir Christopher Lee. The Silver Screen will flicker a little dimmer without your commanding presence, gravitas and dignity.

The Curse of Frankenstein (1957)

Dracula (1958)

The Mummy (1959)

Horror Hotel (1960)

Horror Hotel (1960)

The Whip & The Body (1963)

Dracula: Prince of Darkness (1966)

On set with director Terrence Fisher

The Devil Rides Out (1968)

The Wicker Man (1973)

The Man with the Golden Gun (1974)

House of Long Shadows (1983) also starred Vincent Price, Peter Cushing & John Carradine

Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003)

The Hobbit (2012-2014)

His most iconic role... Count Dracula

With dear friend and frequent co-star, Peter Cushing


Aylmer said…
Really nice selection of shots James. Well done. BTW, how did you fare in the Saturns?
James Gracey said…
SO many great images of Sir Christopher Lee to be found, Aylmer! It was quite hard deciding which ones to post on here. A couple of friends and I also had a movie marathon to celebrate his work - we watched The Devil Rides Out, The Wicker Man and a few episodes of Ghost Stories for Christmas (Christopher Lee reading MR James). Barely scratched the surface, really.

Do you mean the Rondos? I got an 'Honorable Mention'. :)
Aylmer said…
Oops, I did indeed. Glad to hear you got some recognition!
Anonymous said…
I have always enjoyed Sir Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing, i still have not completed all my views on there films as there are so many, i watched Dark Places starring Christopher and at the end poor Christopher gets axed by a pick axe by Robert Hardy i was not suspecting that and it made me cry i felt sorry for Christopher i would of throught he was going to be shot, but a great performance by him and a great horror/thriller film. he was also good at Diagnosis Murder 1973 not the Dick Van Dyke series.

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