An Evening of Irish Horror

Established in 2010, Belfast’s Wireless Mystery Theatre is an audio theatre company devoted to invoking the spirit of vintage radio suspense plays. Comprised of a small troupe of actors, writers and musicians, their productions incorporate live music and imaginative sound effects with players frequently multi-tasking and acting out different roles.

Their most recent production, An Evening of Irish Horror, was a suitably spooky double-bill featuring adaptations of Sheridan Le Fanu’s classic ghost story ‘Green Tea’ - which tells of a timid clergyman who is hounded by a demonic spectral monkey - and Bram Stoker’s short story, ‘Dracula’s Guest’ - an excised segment from Dracula which documents a creepy encounter between Jonathan Harker and Count Dracula by the grave of the undead Countess Dolingen of Gratz...

Head over to Exquisite Terror to read my full review.


Dr. Theda said…
Sounds Great, good Sir.... wish that they had something like that around here...
... we studied a lot (for a while about the art of "Foly" operations (and how sounds were made for Horror films... Even the "Gore" sounds... and the things that were used to make these sound effects...
... Hope that you are well good Sir...
James Gracey said…
They're a great little company - I hope to check out more of their work.

Have you seen Berberian Sound Studio? Fascinating stuff if you're interested in horror film sound effects - and a damn good film, too.

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