Argento Book Update

A brief email from my publishers, Kamera Books, informed me that my Argento book is to be published on 25th March 2010. Once again I have been assured that all is well and the book is being published.

Apparently a certain amount of 'dues' (that's pre-orders to you and I) need to be obtained from commercial outlets before we can go to print; something that has proved more difficult than usual given the current recession and the recent closure of too many bookshops, particularly larger names such as Borders. Keep checking back here at Behind the Couch for updates – which I shall post as and when I have them.

Sanguis Gratia Artis!


Mykal Banta said…
James: I have had your book on preorder with Amazon for awhile. I look forward to it!! - Mykal
James Gracey said…
Cheers Mykal. Fingers crossed. Again!
Matt-suzaka said…
Awesome news, James! I can't wait to get my hands on a copy and I shall spread the word accordingly!
Matthew Coniam said…
Mine's on order too!
dylan said…
Can't wait for it James!
Anonymous said…
When I'm not so broke I'll be sure to pre-order a copy from my local Borders. I can't wait to read it!
James Gracey said…
Thanks guys - I hope its worth the bloody wait!
I had it on the ol' Christmas list on Amazon so I am hoping someone comes through for me, otherwise you better believe I will be putting the xmas money towards it James!
Nick Frame said…
Looking forward to this mate, you getting Suspiria on BD next week?

James Gracey said…
I'm flat broke at the moment, Nick. But if I have to beg/borrow/steal to get my hands on a copy of this - so be it! I can hardly wait... Thanks for dropping by - don't be a stranger.

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