Happy Bloody Birthday, Behind the Couch

Cake by Emma/Photo by me.
Behind the Couch turns four years old today!

Thanks so much to everyone who has swung by. While this year has been slightly quieter than usual on the blogging front - mainly due to another Argento related project I’ve been working on – I still found time to dander down Elm Street with a movie marathon, swoon over Vincent Price, talk about Italian horror cinema with a pop star, and loiter in graveyards with prematurely buried maidens…

There were of course also the usual reviews of old favourites, new favourites, obscure gems and obscure trash, as well as chats with fairytale experts and authors of creepy poetry for children. Behind the Couch was also invited to join LOTT D and get nerdy over horror with its lovely members.

This year not only marked the 30th anniversary of Dario Argento’s Tenebrae, but also my (hopefully endearingly) bumbling foray into the world of podcasting; the results of which included helping to put together Paracinema’s first podcast (on the music of John Carpenter) and chats about Italian horror with Aaron (The Death Rattle) Duenas and Jon (Shocks to the System) Towlson, which you can listen to here and here.

Away from blogging and podcasting I continued to contribute to publications such as Paracinema and Exquisite Terror - which, if you’re not familiar with, are really worth checking out – as well as embarking on a Photo A Day For A Year project.

Thanks again for stopping by, reading my scribblings, leaving comments and inspiring conversations about all things horror. Here’s to another year!


Congratulations! I follow your blog whenever possible ...
Happiest of birthdays to one of my very favorite blogs (and bloggers, for that matter)! Thanks for enriching my horror experience with your knowledge and enthusiasm!

Here's to many more years of bloody fantastic blogging!

(P.S. That cake looks delish!)
Jenn said…
Happy blog birthday to one of the smartest people I know! Love you, babe. Keep up the good work.
systemshocks said…
Happy birthday to Behind The Couch. Absolutely fantastic stuff over the three years, so many great posts. Hope you'll be up for another podcast avec moi some time. Very Best Wishes to you James.
Happy Blog Birthday! That picture of yours that I liked is actually my computer's wallpaper now! Hope that doesn't freak you out... I just really like it. :)
James Gracey said…
Thanks for your kind words, everyone. And for stopping by over the last four years! Means a lot.

And of course I'm not freaked out (much) by that photo being your desktop wallpaper, Michele! That was a nice cake... ;)
psynno said…
Congratulations James! Always look forward to your updates and podcasts. Happy New Year!
James Gracey said…
Happy New Year to you too!

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