Paracinema Magazine: Issue 18

Mouldy mildew, mother of mouthmuck! Issue 18 of Paracinema Magazine is now available to pre-order!

Packed full of ridiculously good ‘letters that stay’ on all kinds of genre cinema, this issue includes the likes of When Single Shines the Triple Sun: Duality and Self Discovery in The Dark Crystal by Christine Makepeace, Marriage Bites: Lesbian Vampires and the Failure of Heterosexuality in Daughters of Darkness by Erin Wiegand, 3D’s Use and Potential in Today’s Cinematic Landscape by Caleb McCandless, Speed Racer: The Art of Absurdity by Patrick Smith and The Goriest Film You Never Saw by Jose Cruz.

Sound good? Duh, of course! Fancy picking up a copy? Erm, yes! Well then, head over to and pre-order one now. Support independent publishing, or, you know, face the wrath of the Skeksis! 


Dr. Theda said…
A Happy Birthday to your great Blog Good Sir... And here's to another 4 years of creepy horror filled goodness...
Dr. Theda said…
I posted a "Shout Out" about your blog's 4th Birthday at the "Crypt".
James Gracey said…
Thank you so much, Doc. That's very kind of you. I hope all is well with you. Are you also on Wordpress? I seem to recall you leaving a comment on my photo blog. Do you post any of your photos online? :)

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