Issue 14 of Paracinema Available to Pre-Order

Paracinema? I'd buy that for a dollar! Well, $7 actually.
Issue 14 of Paracinema is now available to pre-order! Hard to believe that the magazine has been going for 14 issues. It has been independently published since 2007 and, as clichéd as it might sound, has got better with every issue. It’s also recently widened its net and is available in various independent retailers right across the length and breadth of the States. Cool stuff, eh?

Issue 14 contains a number of exciting features on various genre classics and obscure gems. Articles include Panic in Detroit: RoboCop and Reagan's America by Andreas Stoehr; Blood on the Rubber Chicken: Horror Parodies of the Early ’80s by Mike White; Christ Stopped at San Miguel: Italy’s Economic Miracle and A Fistful of Dollars by Jef Burnham; Catching the Bus: Jump Scares in the Horror Film by C. Rachel Katz; Slavery in 70's Cinema: Mandingo and Drum by Paul Talbot; and (personally speaking, the one I’m most looking forward to checking out), a comprehensive overview of the career of Riccardo Freda, a very important figure in Italian horror cinema. Huzzah!

Head here to pre-order your copy. Do it!


WriterME said…
Ordered mine! :)
systemshocks said…
James, really enjoyed your Paracinema articles on Teeth and Pete Walker. As you say, Walker is an important but underappreciated figure and you do him justice in your terrific piece. I have to admit though that I haven't yet seen Ginger Snaps - something I need to rectify soon! All the best.
Kev D. said…
"I'd buy that for a dollar!"

Solid quote.
James Gracey said…
Thanks Jon! I hope you enjoy Ginger Snaps when you get a chance to watch it. I'm really interested in checking out the sequels; Part 2 is apparently very good. ;)
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the support everyone!

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