Happy 'Bloody' Birthday, Behind the Couch

Behind the Couch turns 3 years old today!

Thanks so much to everyone who has swung by over the last year. There were quite a few great films watched and reviewed, the usual plethora of bad films, and of course, absolutely fucking ridiculous films. Natch. This year I also rejoiced (sort of) at the return of John Carpenter to our screens, pondered the sickening excesses of the films of Lucio Fulci and celebrated the centenary of none other than the patron saint of Behind the Couch, Mr Vincent Price. Huzzah! There was also a Halloween movie marathon and the usual contemplation of all things gialli and trashy. Fun times.

Away from the blog, I’ve continued to contribute to the likes of the really rather awesome Paracinema- including a new monthly feature on their website looking at music in cult cinema – and the brand-spanking new indie publication Exquisite Terror.

Also! Earlier this year an excerpt from an article I wrote about Sergio Martino was used as the title of an all-new 20 minute interview with the director, which appeared on the Shameless DVD release of The Strange Vice of Mrs Wardh. Exciting stuff, eh? The interview was called Thrills, Chills and Cleavage, and according to Shameless, was an apt title for a mini-doc about the filmmaker. You can read the article here.

Here’s to the next year of writing about horror movies! May it be as wine drenched, bloody and as good as this one!


Anonymous said…
Congratulations! I've been greatly enjoying reading your posts.
ilovethatfilm said…
Happy 3rd birthday! Here's to many more!
WriterME said…
Happy birthday! ^^
James Gracey said…
Cheers guys! I would invite you to the birthday party for some wine, but, well, I drank it all. :)
Hah! I share a birthday with your blog! I clicked over this morning and my first thought was: "How did they know it was my birthday?"

WriterME said…
I'll be flying out to Ireland for Christmas on the 19th, so I might just come and claim that wine... ;)
James Gracey said…
You're too late! Sorry. *Hic* It's all been drunk.

Are you heading to Dublin for Christmas? Hope you have a lovely holiday. :)
Matthew Coniam said…
Conratualtions, James, you're the best.
I would say more, but I've had too much merlot - and that's your fault as well.
James Gracey said…
Cheers Matthew! I wondered where that Merlot went... ;)
Marty Byrne said…
Congrats Mr. Gracey. You're keeping the unreal really real for the rest of us. *chink* .... Plus drunken hugs!!!
James Gracey said…
Fanks Martin! Drunken hugs right back at ya. Hope you're well.
Jenn said…
Hi James! Happy blog birthday! It's almost Cavalcade birthday time too! Here's to another year for the both of us!
WriterME said…
Heh, yes! They let me out of "school" on Dec. 16, and I don't even have marking to do this year. Three weeks of time to myself, woo :)
Cody said…
This is belated but the bloodiest of birthday wishes nonetheless to Behind The Couch!

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