'Final Girls' Month at The Death Rattle

When Aaron Duenas of The Death Rattle infamy asked me to choose a few favourite heroines from horror cinema for his Women in Horror month, I was hardly going to say no, was I? 

As much as I love Laurie, Ripley, Alice, and Nancy et al, I thought it might be more interesting to take a look at a few other characters who perhaps broaden the (generally held) concept of what it is to be a 'Final Girl'. 

The various characters I’ve chosen might not necessarily fit the conventional definition of ‘Final Girl’, but they still represent the strong spirit she is renowned for. Of course, many of the characters Aaron and I have cited obviously owe a huge debt to Laurie, Ripley, Alice, Nancy and co – whose essences pervade this month over at The Death Rattle


systemshocks said…
Great stuff James, have linked to your blog and Argento book in my review of Suspiria :)
James Gracey said…
Cheers Jon! Very kind of you.
Do you have a link to your review? I'd love to read it. :)
James Cheetham said…
Love the inclusion of Stretch and Kirsty Cotton (huge Hellraiser fan). Look forward to the next four!
James Gracey said…
Cheers James! The next few are somewhat less conventional me thinks. :)
systemshocks said…
Hey, James. the link is http://subversive-horror-films.com/

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